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On Friday, April 26, Angelo State University's Kappa Sigma made a significant contribution to the local community by donating $4,000 to the All Veterans Council of Tom Green County. The donation highlights the fraternity’s ongoing commitment to supporting veterans.

The event was attended by key figures of the All Veterans Council, including Chairman Luis Martinez III and Secretary Kathy Fiscus. Martinez also serves as the commander of Disabled American Veterans Chapter 237 and the Texas Workforce Commission's Texas Veteran Program liaison. His extensive involvement underscores the importance of supporting veteran affairs within the state.

"To us, it's everything. Being able to give back to the San Angelo community is always a blessing," CJ Peña, president of Kappa Sigma said. "Our military heroes gave and continue to give their lives every day so that we can have the freedom we do. We, as members of Kappa Sigma, are so grateful for the opportunity to be able to raise money for a greater cause and will continue to do it for years to come."

The All Veterans Council of Tom Green County assists veterans by facilitating access to numerous resources. The council can be contacted at All Veterans Council of Tom Green County, c/o Texas Veteran Leadership Program, 202 Henry O. Flipper St., San Angelo, TX 76903. Meetings are held at 5:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month at the VFW Post, 125 S. Browning St.

For more information, contact:

Chairman Luis Martinez III at luis.martineziii@twc.texas.gov or 325-513-3387

Secretary Kathy Fiscus at kfiscus@cvworkforce.org or 325-703-2410

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